
The registration fees are as follows (in euros, early bird / late registration):

+ 5 days (School + Workshop, SW): 380 / 450

+ 3.5 days (Workshop, W): 340 / 400

+ 1.5 days (School, S): 150 / 200

The early bird registration deadline is on the 15th of April 2018.

The registration fee includes:

+ Admission to the conference,

+ Paper presentation (35 minutes time slot to present one paper), if applicable,

+ Coffee breaks,

+ Lunches (5 for the SW option, 3 for the W option, 2 for the S option),

+ Gala dinner (for the SW and W options),

+ Excursion (for the SW and W options).

Accompanying guests can register for the excursion and the gala dinner for 85€ ("ACCOMPAGNATEUR" option on the pre-registration page).

All attending conference participants must pay the registration fee. Each presented paper must have one unique full-paying participant attached to it.

The registration is open until the 10th of June 2018. You are invited to register exclusively online. Please notice that cash payment is NOT possible. Payments with CNRS credit cards are not possible.

The registration is done in two steps: a pre-registration followed by a registration.

- For the pre-registration:

- After validation of the pre-registration, you will receive information about the payment.

Online user: 1